Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Stop Drinking Poison!

Things I have learned this Christmas Break, so far:

1) There is no greater relationship a person can have on earth than that with family.

2) Santa Claus isn't real.

3) Young married couples are very hospitable, but very nauseating using terms of endearment for each other like "Big Daddy" and "Sexy Momma" in front of everyone. (I love you James!)

4) You know you are getting older when your best Christmas present isn't a toy. (depressing)

5) A dog really is a man's best friend. They are always by your side even though you've already fed them...unlike Satan's creation the cat.

6) Apparently, I am going to live in Topeka for the rest of my life. (I took a quiz at www.findyourspot.com...Its pretty fun, you should try it!)

7) Ted Dekker is an amazing author...read him!

8) Losing to your Mom in picking who wins the NCAA football bowl games is very humbling....and embarrassing.

9) Boredom is an ever-present enemy waiting to take hold of you!

10) God is very patient.

Now I will admit that most of these things are pretty shallow but a couple of them have some depth to them. For instance, number nine is very true and real! Boredom is the best word to describe my Christmas break. Basically my days consist of waking up, watching college football, and reading. Here and There I have gotten out of the house to play some basketball or hang out at someone's house, but mostly it is just being by myself at home.

I just looked up boredom in my Macmillan Dictionary for Children and it says that it is the condition of being tired or restless by being uninteresting and dull. Someone once said that "Boredom is the deadliest poison." I could not agree with this statement more. Having been gulping this poison down for about 2 weeks now, I realized it is my own fault. How can I become "tired or restless" with this life God has given me. Of course there will be moments when we feel bored with things in this life, but we should NEVER be bored with our God-given lives. How can something as beautiful as life be considered "uninteresting and dull?" If we are dying from boredom, it is our own fault. There are many things we can do to make our lives full of purpose and anti-boredom. Instead of trying to entertain ourselves, we should strive to entertain others. This can come in many forms, but i think the best thing we can do is just to give other people our attention and focus by listening and talking to them. If we are bored with our own lives, then why not take the focus off of our own lives and try to dive into someone else's life? It sounds like a great cure to boredom to me, so lets stop drinking that deadly poison called boredom and live life!


D-Heff said...

haha! You can never go wrong with the Macmillan Dictionary for Children, that what I always say!

James and Robyn said...

Thanks for the shout out man. Sexy Mama and I were laughing for awhile at that one.

Kinsey said...

I own the MacMillan Children's Dictionary too! Obviously it's the best because it's almost my last name or a derivative of.

Anonymous said...

So were we nauseating too? It was great to hang out with you guys as much as we did this break...have a good semester and we'll see you when you get back!