Monday, February 23, 2009

The Grave is the Beginning

About a month ago, I was at baseball practice taking fly balls in the outfield, and I dove for a ball. Unfortunately, I rolled on top of my right wrist when I was diving, and I injured some ligament in my wrist. A few weeks went by and it was still bothering me, so I went to some doctor. He told me that I probably just sprained it, but there is a slight chance I tore it. If it was torn I was done playing baseball for the season!!!! He gave me some anti-inflammatory medicine which I finished that last dosage last Friday, and my wrist still hurts! So this is probably not a good sign for my baseball career. I really hope that it gets better because our first game is in one week from today. If I can't play I will be upset because I LOVE baseball, but that is not why I am here at Ozark. I will be content whatever my situation and continue to glorify God in my studies.

With all that sad stuff out of the way, its time for the good news.......or at least it should be.

Jesus has been crucified and has been laying dead in the tomb for about a day and half when we pick it up in Mark 16. We see three women walking to Jesus' tomb bringing spices for the body of Jesus, because by this time the body is rotting and beginning to smell. As I read this passage I began to ask myself, "What are these women thinking? How are they feeling?" People usually aren't really excited about death and the grave. For the most part, the grave represents the end of things. People try to do so many things before they die, because they cannot do them once they're dead!

The Apostles and the women probably thought the very same thing. The grave ended Jesus' ministry. They a good run at it. For three years they devoted themselves to this mans teachings and ways, but now that death has come into the picture, it is all lost. The plans they were hoping of restoration to God's people were no longer possible. But luckily God had something else in mind.......His plans were different.

Lets take a break from that story, and see what Jesus thought about death. In Luke 9:23 says, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me." How did Jesus die? O ya, on a cross! Apparently, Jesus wants everyone who wants to follow him to die? Yes, in a "spiritual" sense. Now some of the Apostles literally did take up there cross and were killed, but for 21st century Christians it means self-denial, complete dedication and willing obedience to Christ. This type of death also scares people, because it does mean the end of our plans. We will no longer be able to fulfill our selfish pleasures and wants.

Back to Mark 16. The women and all the believers thought that plans of Jesus were over. His promises of a new life of love and peace went with him to the grave, but when the women arrived at the grave they found it empty! The Grave couldn't kill Jesus or God's plan. After Jesus meets with the Apostles post-crucifixion, he stays with them for forty days and then ascends to be with God. The church then explodes! Peter gives a sermon during Pentecost and about 3,00o people were added to their number that day (Acts 2). God's plan of salvation didn't die with Jesus' death on the cross. His plan actually just began.

Sometimes people believe that the grave is the end of our plans, but in reality the grave is the beginning of God's plans. When we die to ourselves and pick up our cross daily entering a "spiritual" grave, God can finally begin to use us to fulfill His will. So I plead with everyone....we must die to our selfish desires and wants, and die to ourselves so God can begin his plan for us.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Today is the day of love. Valentines Day is upon us, and is smacking every single person in the face. It seems to me that Valentines Day is being advertised more than ever. I don't know if it is because this is this first time in a long time I haven't had to celebrate it so I noticed it more, or our economy sucks and they want people to spend money. Whatever the reason, Valentines day is here.

This morning I went to the grocery store with my parents to buy some snacks for the KANSAS/kansas state basketball game. I used to work at this store, so I know a couple of people who still work there. As I was walking through the produce section, I saw a guy that has been working at the store for a long time. We used to talk a lot during our breaks, and he could always crack me up.

As he was putting the yogurt in their places on the shelf, he began to tell me what was going on in his life. He had divorced his wife a couple of years ago with whom he had a seven-year-old son. His wife accused him of child molestation, child pornography and many other cruel accusations. She ended up getting custody because of these insane lies, and he doesn't get to see his son that much anymore. This guy has recently been remarried with a woman who already has 3 daughters, and together they have a two-year-old son. To add on top of all of this crap, he never graduated college, so he doesn't have a degree where he can make good money. He is barely getting by with his pay from the store. According to him, his "life sucks."

When I walked away from this guy, it hit me. I am living in a fallen world. This fallen world has people who are blind and have nothing but letdown after letdown come into their lives. People are searching for some stability and purpose, but their search comes up empty. This world was created as a perfect place where man and God could live together in love. Unfortunately, sin entered the picture and things have not been right since.

I hate seeing people like my friend from the store hurting. This is REAL life. Going to Ozark Christian College, it is easy to get in the "Ozark Christian College Bubble." By this I mean, we don't see the pain and hurt that goes on in the world, because we are surrounded by other Christians who appear to have everything figured out. But I don't live in a plastic world where Barbi and Ken end up happily married for the rest of their lives. This is REAL life!

My friend who's "life sucks," needs someone to show him the light in a dark world. This light gives stability in the midst of instability. It gives hope to the hopeless, and it offers love where there is hate. I do not live in plastic world, but I do live in a world where REAL people are lost in the darkness.