Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kisses and Losses

Last post I told you about how I'm a tid bit awkward. Well, I have had friends tell me that I need to share more awkward stories with you guys because my serious posts are boring. So here is my feeble attempt to increase my readership.

No one was harmed in the making of the story. The only thing that was harmed was my pride. My senior year of high school was altogether a little weird. I tore my ACL, so I couldn't play football. I won "Most Dreamed About" for the senior class.....a mystery still to this day, and I gained 40 pounds because I couldn't run or play sports for the first semester because of my bum leg. However, I was able to play baseball in the Spring. I was hardly at 100% though. I hadn't fully recovered from my ACL repair. After limping through the entire season with a measely .230 batting average (150 points lowers than my junior year!!!), it came time for senior night.

This special night that commemorates senior baseball playes was like any other night, but before the game they had every senior baseball player walk out into the middle of the field with their parents. When they called my name, I leaned over and gave my mom a hug and a kiss. Everything was fine up to this point, but awkwardness was soon going to smack me in the face...more like smack me in the lips. After I hugged and kissed my mom, I turned to my dad to give him a hug, but somehow I did not stop their. I preceded to give him a big wet one right on the front of everyone. Now there is nothing wrong with a little boy giving his dad a goodnight kiss, but it is totally different when a 18 year old gives his dad a kiss whle standing on the pitcher's mound in front of a crowd of his peers.

Now I am probably making more of this than it really is, but I have recovered from the "awkward kiss." I am now a single 22 year-old living near Louisville, Kentucky sitting in my cubicle looking at picture of a small puppy that is saying, "Yes, your bum looks fat in that."

Quick little fact about my baseball career in high school. I accomplished a feat that no other player had ever done in the history of Topeka West Baseball. I lost two games in one day my sophomore year. I pitched for Junior Varsity team and picthed 6 innings and got the loss. Then I came up to the Varsity team, and came in to pitch relief in extra innings and gave up the winning run. Sadly, I didn't get to see much time on varsity my sophomore year after that incident.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Taking My Hands out of My Pockets

About a year ago, I wrote a post about how I am Awkward.

Much of this post encompassed the friendly gesture of hugging. I am proud to announce to the blogging world that I am still pretty bad at giving hugs, but they are becoming less awkward! Here in Indiana, there are a couple of people who love to hug, so I guess you could say I have been practicing, and I am getting better! So watch out world...the only difference between Brad Pitt and Charlie Landis is that Brad can hug slightly better...but not for long.

(Insert transitional statement here).

Today is Father's Day! I have always felt bad for people who can't celebrate father's day because they don't have a dad in their life. If you think about it, Luke Skywalker couldn't celebrate this holiday. There is Luke, 20-something, and he is fighting some bad guy who has asthma to the max. When all of a sudden, Vader drops the news, "Luke, I am your Father." I can't even imagine what goes on in Luke's fragile mind. But I know he was still bitter about spending all those Father's Days all by himself. And when he finally finds out who is father way, the guy dies.

Now my dad doesn't have asthma or masquerade in a black helmet with a cape. My dad is an ordinary guy who loves steak and college football, but he is an extraordinary father. I cannot recall the many lessons he taught and the examples he set as a strong, caring, loving man of God. I am just so thankful and blessed to have Tim Landis as my dad. In Joshua 24:15, we see Joshua renewing the covenant between God and man, and he makes this exclamation, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!" My dad has tried to do this the best that he can, but he will even be the first person to tell you that he isn't perfect. But he is the perfect dad for me.

Last night at the Post, the college age service at Southeast, Kyle Idleman preached over Genesis 3. He discussed how we always tend to blame women for bringing sin into the world. Many believe the first sin of mankind was disobedience (Eve took a bite from the fruit from the tree they were forbidden to eat from), but the first sin was most likely Passivity. You see, Genesis 3:6 says, "When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband,who was with her, and he ate it. Adam was the responsible person for keeping God's law. It was in Genesis 2 where God first tells Adam not to eat fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil...Eve was not ever around yet. It was Adam's responsibility, and apathetically said, "Sure, I'll have a bite."

There were so many good points Kyle made last night, but one quote I had to write down. Talking about masculinity, Kyle said that men love battles. We love blood, and we love action. Kyle said, "Most men love action, but they love watching it from the coach." What man does not love Gladiator or 300? We love watching guys on a football field get hit so hard they are literally knocked out, but when it comes to leading on the spiritual battlefield, we somehow lose our go-get-'em attitude. We become like Adam, and shrug our shoulders and say, "Sure. Whatever." We need to take our hands out of our pockets and lead that way God made us to lead. We cannot afford to be passive in our relationships. This includes our relationship with our wife, girlfriend, and even our God.

Being a single guy, it took me sometime understand how I shouldn't be passive in my life because Kyle talked about being passive in our romantic relationships. Of course, I'm totally going to take this information and use it in my future relationship, but what does it look like for me today? And the best I could come up with is that I need to be violently in love with My God. I need to be actively pursuing a relationship with my Maker.

I'm going to start taking my hands out of my pockets when it comes to following my God and my Savior. Will you join me???

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beware the ME Monster

I hate my pride.

There are times in life when you do something pretty dumb or stupid, and you can just shrug it off. For instance, you might see a pretty girl in the cafeteria that you have never talked to before. You have enough courage to sit at the same table as her and her friends, but you keep silent for the most part, only making conversation with your buddy who is there for support. As everyone is done eating their roast and mashed potatoes, the girl stands up to put up her tray, and you cunningly follow her to do the same. You want to talk to her really bad just so you can hear that sweet voice of hers. You quickly try to think about something to say to her, but the only thing that comes to mind is how good the dinner was that night at the cafe; so you blurt out, "Yum. Those taters were good." She tries to force a smile and nods her head. After throwing away your leftovers along with your pride and confidence, you walk back to your dorm and thinking to yourself, "Taters? Really, that's the best you could come up with?"

Now if this story was true...I'm sure you would just feel stupid for a little bit. Unless you have horrible friends who bring that story up every chance they get, you'll be fine. But there are other times, when I do something dumb that is harder for me to shrug off. When I allow the pride I try so hard to suppress loose, there is nothing more humiliating and shameful. Brian Regan calls this the "Me-Monster." Regan makes light of the pride some people struggle with, but in reality, it is no laughing matter.

In Middle School, I was a proud pimply faced boy who played sports and chased the girls. I would do or say anything to make myself look better; even if that meant putting down my friends in front of girls just to show them how awesome I was. I look back at how I was in middle school, and I am embarrassed at the way I treated other people and my high view of myself. Now there is nothing wrong with thinking highly of yourself, but if you look down on other people because you believe you are somehow better, pride is showing its tremendously ugly face. C.S. Lewis has a great quote on pride. He says,

"A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you're looking down, you can't see something that's above you.”

In our pride, we become the greatest being in our world. No longer is God Lord of Lords and King of Kings in those moments. This is exactly how the devil became the devil. In his book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis says that is through pride that all other sin stems from. He says that pride, "is the complete anti-God state of mind."

The reason I say all of this is because that I am in a constant struggle with pride. The other day I was talking with a student about Jesus' crucifixion, and he said Jesus was completely naked. And I told him that could have been the case, but they didn't always crucify people nude. Sometimes they had a small loincloth on too, and during that time, people considered the person to be nude when they only had their undergarments on (And I was probably wrong anyways). The high school student then said, "Have you even studied crucifixion? You probably just watched Passion of the Christ." After he said that, I quickly released the Me-Monster. I just looked at him and said, "Are you serious?" Then I looked over to one of my buddies and said, "This kid just asked me if I knew anything about crucifixion!" I wanted to tell him that I did a couple of research papers on crucifixion and how I attended Bible College for 4 years, but I didn't. I just looked at him like he was stupid.

Right away, I knew what I had done and couldn't me more disappointed with myself. This was a couple days ago, but I still get a knot in my stomach when I think about it. I look at that situation and I can't help but feel embarrassed and full of shame. No matter how much it seems I try to keep the Me-Monster inside and caged, it always comes out roaring like a lion. Pride is something we are going to have to struggle with for our entire lives. We have to continually pray for humility and pick up our cross daily. I hope that we can all echo Paul's words in Galatians 6:14,

May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Follow Me as I follow Barbie??

I can't believe I am watching a soccer game. The USA/england soccer game is getting ready to begin. NOthing is more boring than watching a soccer game than watching an hour long pre-game show about a soccer game. There better be 20 goals in this game, but I highly doubt it

Yesterday was a tough day. First, I woke up at 12:20, and I slept for a total of 12 hours. Second, I went swimming for about an hour and then jumped in the hot tub. I ended the day by taking second in a poker tournament...Man, yesterday was tough. Do you feel sorry for me yet?

(England just scored a goal)

Friday and Saturday are my days off from the office, and I took full advantage of it yesterday! I had a great day just relaxing. So far my time in southern Indiana has been very good. This upcoming week is going to be a little tougher, because I have to get all the materials ready for our CIY trip, and finish planning a Jr. High Over Nighter. I'm pretty excited to get going with everything....and the guy I am working with is going to be gone all next week, so I get the office all to myself!!!

Lately Jesus has been everywhere for me. You might be saying to yourself, "Well, he is omnipresent...duh!" But I am talking about the idea of us allowing Him to be the center of our lives. He needs to be everything to us, so that we might be able to be something for Him. This whole idea of Jesus being everything to us is imperative for us to be light in a dark world. If we want to be true disciples of Jesus, we must emulate who he is. Our main purpose on this is earth is to bring God glory, and we can best do this by making disciples of all nations (Mt. 28:18-20).

So I guess it all comes down to discipleship. There are a lot of books out their on how to disciple young Christians, but I think the best (and shortest) advice is by the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:1 which says, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." A lot of people idolize other people. When I was young, I wanted to be super strong like Popeye, so I decided to try spinach for dinner one night. My mom told me i wouldn't like it but I insisted. It was one of the most disgusting things I had ever tasted, and I came to the realization that I would be weak the rest of my days. Heidi Montag, who was made famous by The Hills idolizes the Barbie Doll. She is going to go through x-amount of surgeries so she can somehow replicate Barbie's appearance. People will do crazy things just to become someone or something.

I think it all comes down to this? If we are supposed to bring glory to God by evangelizing the world and making disciples, what are your disciples emulating? Its not a question whether or not you have disciples, because most everyone has someone they are pouring into. If you are in a leadership position, there is no question that you are discipling other people. If you are not radically following Jesus, the Lion of Judah, then you are greatly doing the people you are pouring into a disservice. And I am not just speaking to you guys, because I am talking to myself more than anyone. I need to start following Christ in every aspect of my life, so that I am not giving students a watered-down Savior. I do not want to be giving a declawed version of Narnia's Aslan to people, so I need to get to know the Jesus of the New Testament ad the Messiah of the entire World!

(USA just scored a goal!)

Well, it is pretty hot outside, so I think I am going to go jump in the pool! Poor me.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Everyone give a Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor Grunt!

I am a man. *insert manly grunt

Just in case you didn't get that...I'll type it again but in all capital letters. I AM A MAN. **insert two grunts

I don't know if it is because this is the way God made us, but guys always have this need to exclaim their masculinity. I always have this urge to pull out my "man card" when people are talking about love or romance. If someone brings up the Notebook or A Walk to Remember, I walk away grunting because I am a man and I don't need to hear about that love stuff. Well honestly, I watched A Walk to Remember when I was in high school, but I only did it ONLY because a girl made me. Therefore, that adds to my manliness because I was hanging out with a chick.

Crying is another issue where some guys draw the line at manliness. Personally, I think it is okay if a man cries in certain situations. If a man's dog dies, crying is perfectly acceptable. Crying is permissible if a relative passes away. When Bubba dies and Forest is sitting there holding his now dead best friend, tears can acceptably fall from man's tear ducts. Crying does not always make a guy less of a man.

The reason I bring up this whole idea of "manliness" is because lately it seems like I have been bombarded by this idea of love and romance. It all began about six months ago at Carterville Christian Church where we went through a Marriage series called "The Vow." It was a very insightful sermon series that looked at how couples can connect their relationship with God to their relationship with each other. During this time, I was actually called out twice from the stage because I was single and hadn't found my "better half" (So if you are out there "better half" please come introduce yourself. That would be ideal). Then we did a short series in chapel at my school, Ozark Christian College, about guys and girls and our relationships with each other. And now as soon as I arrive in Indiana, I go to the Post (the college age ministry at Southeast), and they are starting a series called, "The Story of Us." I'm not exactly sure what this series is going to be about, but the first night dealt with love and romance. Right away I wanted to tune out but just screaming "I am a Man!" at the top of my lungs, because I have heard so much on this subject lately that I feel like I could co-write the next Twilight movie. But reluctantly, I held in my screams and listened to Kyle Idleman as he preached through the first chapter and half of Song of Solomon.

Kyle did an excellent job of connecting the bridge of the author of the Song of Solomon to college students in the 21st century. One key thought that really stood out to me was that in chapter 1 verse 3, Solomon's lover says, "Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes; your name is like perfume poured out. No wonder maidens love you!" Our culture places way too much on image and physical attraction. The lover in this verse doesn't bring attention to Solomon's physique but to his name. In that culture, a person's name embodied that person's whole being. So if a person was full of integrity and lived an honest life, their name would be a good thing. However, if a person was just evil and was not a likable person, their name would mean nothing. Kyle just kept bringing out certain truths like this one throughout the entire passage and it was refreshing to read Song of Solomon with a new perspective.

There were many more truths Kyle brought to our attention, but I was a goofball and didn't have anything to take notes on. That is one thing I am going to start doing...I'll bring a notebook and pen to every sermon I hear so I can actually remember what I'm learning! I want to leave you with this one truth....Men can learn about love and romance and still be a man. Now if they start reading romance novels, then their masculinity might be brought into question before the great Board of Men (BOM for short), of which I am the head honcho.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Office: Indiana Edition

Presents are nice to receive! Sometimes the presents are fun and practical and others are just...well, practical. When I was younger, I was sort of a ladies man. If you have ever hung around me at all, you know that my glory days were in 8th grade. In 8th grade, I was dating a girl, and my birthday was coming up so she decided to give me a present. Knowing I love the Kansas Jayhawks, she bought me a cool hat with "KU" right across the front. A year later, I was dating a different girl, and she gave me the exact same Kansas hat. So I did what was noble. I told her thank you with a huge smile on my face. Later I ended up giving that hat to one of my brothers, so I guess what I am trying to say is that some presents aren't practical at all.

But when I graduated from Ozark, my parents gave me a GPS. My Global Positioning System is the epitome of practical. My trip from Topeka to Southern Indiana was made so much easier because of that small rectangular thing hanging from my windshield. My grandma gave me a briefcase for graduation. At first, I was a little skeptical about it. But when I took it home, I saw my initials on it and pretended to be important by carrying it around the house pretending to be on the phone with important people. So I have come to the conclusion that the brief case is a win.

This is the part of my post where I make an awkward transition from my introduction that has nothing to do with what I really want to talk about. So...(transition).

I am almost done with my second full day of my internship at Southeast Christian Church in Indiana. From the very first time I pulled into the youth minister's drive away to attend a staff cookout to a 2-hour long meeting I just got out of that just focused on volunteers, I can see the great chemistry this staff has at this church. There is rarely a moment in the office where someone is not laughing or just talking with another staff member. Some might think that this means that a lot of work does not get done, but that is hardly the case. When things need to get done, they get done. But I just love the atmosphere the office has here in Indiana. You can really tell that these people have the Spirit working in their lives.

Probably my favorite TV show on the air today is The Office. If you do not know what I am talking about, please do yourself a favor and go to and watch a couple episodes. But basically, this show is about a paper company that is being followed around by a video crew that is producing a documentary. The Office is full of different people who all come together to work in one office where anything and everything occurs. From Michael Scott's inappropriate behavior to Stanley's crossword puzzles to Dwight's "Schrute Bucks" to Pam's beautiful face, all of the people in the office all have a good camaraderie and relationship. Sometimes Dwight will try to undermine Jim's authority, and Creed will steal something from somebody. But at the end of the day, usually (or by the end of the episode), everyone walks to the cars happy that they are part of a great team.

The reason I bring up The Office is because the office here at Southeast is very similar to the TV show. I am telling the truth too! For instance, there is an episode where there was a Bat in the office that was flying around. There is a bat in the closet here at the church, and no one will get rid of it...I guess we don't have a Dwight. But the camaraderie in here in the office is fantastic and I cannot wait to get to know everybody even better! And even though I am sure there are some disagreements, at the end of the day everyone walks to their cars knowing they are a part of a great team here at Southeast.