Friday, February 19, 2010

Short, Chubby Toddler with a Weapon

Well I survived the day of love. Luckily I didn't get shot in the butt with one of Cupid's arrows..this is a good thing because I was hanging out with mostly guys all day. I think it is humorous how one fellow described Valentine's Day when he said, "I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon." I couldn't agree more.

I have never fancied myself a romantic. When I think of someone who is romantic, I think of a person who can creatively portray their emotions (hopefully good)to someone whom they care about very much. As my friend David Heffren talked about in his title in his last blog, I think romance is eating a heart-shaped pizza together with your loved one. Okay, I'm exaggerating a little bit, but for the most part I am not full of romance. But someday I am sure something will just click and I will be Romeo.

Besides thinking about Valentine's Day, lately I have thought about learning. I'm taking an online class called Creative Bible teaching. The class teaches a person how to creatively teach the BIble to students, and I have learned a couple of things. One thing in particular has really stood out to me while taking this course. Its the idea that a person can never stop learning, or they fail to live.

Socrates once said, "The unexamined life is not worthy living." We cannot go through life just living. There has to be some point of examination and thinking. If you are not examining and thinking, you are not learning. We must have this certain attitude- the attitude that we have not yet "arrived." We will never fully understand everything there is to know, so we must be in a state of continual-learning.

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about the Holy Spirit and His role in the Christian's life. I have a lot of quesitons, and I have been praying to God that he will continue to open my eyes to the Spirit's power and leading. I don't know all the answers to my questions, but I'm trying to find them. I'm reading a book called Forgotten God by Francis Chan, and it is a very insightful book. I guess my question for you is what are you learning about? Are you examining your life? Because as soon as you stop learning, you stop living....You will also stop living if a real toddler shoots you in the heart with a real arrow. Just be careful.

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